Source code for norse.torch.utils.tensorboard.tensorboard

Tensorboard related utilities.

from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple

import torch
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter

def __generate_hook(
    f: Callable[[torch.nn.Module, torch.Tensor, Any], Any],
    label: str,
    counter_name: str,
    aggregation: Optional[Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]] = None,
    def hook(mod, _, out):
        if not hasattr(mod, counter_name):
            setattr(mod, counter_name, 0)
        out = out[0] if aggregation is None else aggregation(out[0])
        f(label, out, getattr(mod, counter_name))
        setattr(mod, counter_name, getattr(mod, counter_name) + 1)

    return hook

[docs] def hook_spike_activity_mean( key: str, writer: SummaryWriter ) -> Callable[[torch.nn.Module, Tuple[torch.Tensor, Any], Any], None]: """ Generates a hook that can be applied to stateful torch Modules. The hook plots the *mean neuron activity* as a line, assuming that the module output is a tuple of (spikes, state). That is, this will not work on modules that only returns a single tensor as output (i. e. have no state). Read more about hooks in PyTorch Modules in the `Module documentation <>`_. Example: >>> from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter >>> import norse.torch as snn >>> from snn.util import tensorboard >>> hook = tensorboard.hook_spike_activity_mean("lif", SummaryWriter()) >>> snn.LIFCell().register_forward_hook(hook) Arguments: key (str): The name of the module as referred to in Tensorboard writer (SummaryWriter): The Tensorboard Writer to log to. Returns: A hook that will plot the mean neuron spike activity when registered to a Torch module. """ return __generate_hook( writer.add_image, key, "norse_hook_spike_activity_mean", aggregation=torch.mean )
[docs] def hook_spike_activity_sum( key: str, writer: SummaryWriter ) -> Callable[[torch.nn.Module, Tuple[torch.Tensor, Any], Any], None]: """ Generates a hook that can be applied to stateful torch Modules. The hook plots the *summed neuron activity* as a line, assuming that the module output is a tuple of (spikes, state). That is, this will not work on modules that only returns a single tensor as output (i. e. have no state). Read more about hooks in PyTorch Modules in the `Module documentation <>`_. Example: >>> from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter >>> import norse.torch as snn >>> from snn.util import tensorboard >>> hook = tensorboard.hook_spike_activity_sum("lif", SummaryWriter()) >>> snn.LIFCell().register_forward_hook(hook) Arguments: key (str): The name of the module as referred to in Tensorboard writer (SummaryWriter): The Tensorboard Writer to log to. Returns: A hook that will plot the mean neuron spike activity when registered to a Torch module. """ return __generate_hook( writer.add_scalar, key, "norse_hook_spike_activity_sum", aggregation=torch.sum )
[docs] def hook_spike_histogram_mean( key: str, writer: SummaryWriter ) -> Callable[[torch.nn.Module, Tuple[torch.Tensor, Any], Any], None]: """ Generates a hook that can be applied to stateful torch Modules. The hook shows a histogram of *mean neuron activity*, assuming that the module output is a tuple of (spikes, state). That is, this will not work on modules that only returns a single tensor as output (i. e. have no state). Read more about hooks in PyTorch Modules in the `Module documentation <>`_. Example: >>> from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter >>> import norse.torch as snn >>> from snn.util import tensorboard >>> hook = tensorboard.hook_spike_histogram_mean("lif", SummaryWriter()) >>> snn.LIFCell().register_forward_hook(hook) Arguments: key (str): The name of the module as referred to in Tensorboard writer (SummaryWriter): The Tensorboard Writer to log to. Returns: A hook that will plot the mean neuron spike activity when registered to a Torch module. """ return __generate_hook( writer.add_histogram, key, "norse_hook_spike_activity_mean", aggregation=torch.mean, )
[docs] def hook_spike_histogram_sum( key: str, writer: SummaryWriter ) -> Callable[[torch.nn.Module, Tuple[torch.Tensor, Any], Any], None]: """ Generates a hook that can be applied to stateful torch Modules. The hook shows a histogram of the *summed neuron activity*, assuming that the module output is a tuple of (spikes, state). That is, this will not work on modules that only returns a single tensor as output (i. e. have no state). Read more about hooks in PyTorch Modules in the `Module documentation <>`_. Example: >>> from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter >>> import norse.torch as snn >>> from snn.util import tensorboard >>> hook = tensorboard.hook_spike_histogram_sum("lif", SummaryWriter()) >>> snn.LIFCell().register_forward_hook(hook) Arguments: key (str): The name of the module as referred to in Tensorboard writer (SummaryWriter): The Tensorboard Writer to log to. Returns: A hook that will plot the mean neuron spike activity when registered to a Torch module. """ return __generate_hook( writer.add_histogram, key, "norse_hook_spike_activity_mean", aggregation=torch.sum, )
[docs] def hook_spike_image( key: str, writer: SummaryWriter ) -> Callable[[torch.nn.Module, Tuple[torch.Tensor, Any], Any], None]: """ Generates a hook that can be applied to stateful torch Modules. The hook plots the *spiked* output, assuming that the module output is a tuple of (spikes, state). That is, this will not work on modules that only returns a single tensor as output (i. e. have no state). Read more about hooks in PyTorch Modules in the `Module documentation <>`_. Example: >>> from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter >>> import norse.torch as snn >>> from snn.util import tensorboard >>> hook = tensorboard.hook_spike_image("lif", SummaryWriter()) >>> snn.LIFCell().register_forward_hook(hook) Arguments: key (str): The name of the module as referred to in Tensorboard writer (SummaryWriter): The Tensorboard Writer to log to. Returns: A hook that will plot the spike activity as an image when registered to a Torch module. """ return __generate_hook(writer.add_image, key, "norse_hook_spike_image")