

norse.torch.functional.receptive_field.spatial_receptive_field(scale: Tensor, angle: Tensor, ratio: Tensor, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, size: int, dx: int = 0, dy: int = 0, domain: float = 10) Tensor[source]#

Creates a (size x size) receptive field kernel at a given scale, angle and ratio with respect to x and y derivatives.


scale (torch.Tensor): The scale of the field. Defaults to 2.5 angle (torch.Tensor): The rotation of the kernel in radians ratio (torch.Tensor): The eccentricity as a ratio x (torch.Tensor): The receptive’s field center position in x-axis y (torch.Tensor): The receptive’s field center position in y-axis size (int): The size of the square kernel in pixels dx (int): The x-th derivative of the field dy (int): The y-th derivative of the field domain (float): The initial coordinates from which the field is sampled. Defaults to 8 (sampling -8 to 8).