Utilities for plotting spikes in layers over time in 2D and 3D.
from typing import Any, List, Optional
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import torch
from norse.torch.functional.izhikevich import (
def _detach_tensor(tensor: torch.Tensor):
if isinstance(tensor, torch.Tensor):
if tensor.requires_grad:
return tensor.detach().cpu()
return tensor.cpu()
return tensor
def plot_heatmap_2d(
data: torch.Tensor,
axes: Optional[plt.Axes] = None,
show_colorbar: bool = False,
Plots a heatmat of two-dimensional data
>>> data = torch.randn(28, 28)
>>> plot_heatmap_2d(data)
.. plot::
import torch
from norse.torch.utils.plot import plot_heatmap_2d
data = torch.randn(28, 28)
data (torch.Tensor): A tensor of data to plot in two dimensions
(typically spikes with time in the first dimension and
neuron id in the second).
axes (matplotlib.axes.Axes): The matplotlib axis to plot on, if any.
Defaults to :meth:`matplotlib.pyplot.gca`
show_colorbar (bool): Show a colorbar (True) or not (False).
kwargs: Specific key-value arguments to style the figure
fed to the :meth:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` function.
A :matplotlib:class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`.
ax = axes if axes is not None else plt.gca()
kwargs["aspect"] = kwargs.get("aspect", "auto")
kwargs["interpolation"] = kwargs.get("interpolation", "none")
pos = plt.imshow(_detach_tensor(data).T, **kwargs)
if show_colorbar:
plt.colorbar(pos, ax=ax)
return ax
def plot_heatmap_3d(spikes: torch.Tensor, show_colorbar: bool = False, **kwargs):
Plots heatmaps for some activity in several layers.
Expects a named tensor with names=('L', 'X', 'Y').
Instead of using the :meth:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` matplotlib function,
we make use of the :meth:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` function to disperse points in 3d.
>>> import torch
>>> from norse.torch.utils.plot import plot_heatmap_3d
>>> data = torch.randn(4, 28, 28, names=('L', 'X', 'Y'))
>>> plot_heatmap_3d(data)
>>> plt.show()
.. plot::
import torch
from norse.torch.utils.plot import plot_heatmap_3d
data = torch.randn(4, 28, 28, names=('L', 'X', 'Y'))
spikes (torch.NamedTensor): A tensor named with four dimensions: T (time), L (layer), X, Y.
Expected to be in the range :math:`[0, 1]`.
show_colorbar (bool): Show a colorbar (True) or not (False).
kwargs: Specific key-value arguments to style the figure fed to the :meth:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` function.
An :matplotlib:class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` object
spikes = _detach_tensor(spikes).align_to(*"LXY")
L = spikes.shape[0]
ax = plt.gcf().add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection="3d")
unnamed = spikes + 1e-10 # Add infinitely small amount to "trigger" all pixels
unnamed.names = None # Unnamed tensor required for to_sparse
s = unnamed.to_sparse().coalesce()
kwargs["c"] = kwargs.get("c", s.values())
ax.set_xlim([0, L - 1])
ax.set_ylim([0, s.shape[2]])
ax.set_zlim([0, s.shape[1]])
plt.xticks(range(0, L), range(1, L + 1))
pos = ax.scatter(s.indices()[0], s.indices()[2], s.indices()[1], **kwargs)
if show_colorbar:
plt.gcf().colorbar(pos, ax=ax)
return ax
def plot_neuron_states(
states: List[Any],
*variables: str,
label: bool = True,
axes: plt.Axes = None,
Plots state variables in a line plot based on a list of states over time.
>>> cell = LIF()
>>> _, states = cell(torch.ones(10, 3))
>>> plot_neuron_states(states, "i")
.. plot::
import torch
from norse.torch import LIF
from norse.torch.utils.plot import plot_neuron_states
data = torch.ones(10, 3) * torch.tensor([0.0, 0.1, 0.3])
_, states = LIF(record_states=True)(data)
plot_neuron_states(states, "i")
states (List[Any]): A list of state tuples containing state variables.
We assume the list is ordered by time.
*variables (str): A set of variables to plot.
label (bool): Whether or not to render the label in the plot.
axes (plt.Axes): An axes object to render on, if given.
A plt.Axes object for further manipulation or rendering.
assert len(variables) > 0, "0 variables were given to render, we require at least 1"
if axes is None:
axes = plt.gca()
for variable in variables:
values = getattr(states, variable)
if label:
axes.plot(values, label=variable, **kwargs)
axes.plot(values, **kwargs)
if label:
return axes
def plot_histogram_2d(spikes: torch.Tensor, axes: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, **kwargs):
Plots a histogram of 1-dimensional data.
>>> cell = LIF()
>>> data = torch.ones(10, 10) + torch.randn(10, 10)
>>> spikes, state = cell(data)
>>> plot_histogram_2d(state.v)
.. plot::
import torch
from norse.torch import LIF
from norse.torch.utils.plot import plot_histogram_2d
spikes, state = LIF()(torch.ones(10, 10) + torch.randn(10, 10))
data (torch.Tensor): A tensor of single-dimensional data.
axes (matplotlib.axes.Axes): The matplotlib axis to plot on, if any.
Defaults to :meth:`matplotlib.pyplot.gca`
kwargs: Specific key-value arguments to style the figure fed to the :meth:`matplotlib.pyplot.hist` function.
An :matplotlib:class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`.
ax = axes if axes is not None else plt.gca()
plt.hist(_detach_tensor(spikes).numpy(), **kwargs)
return ax
def plot_scatter_3d(
spikes: torch.Tensor,
axes: Optional[List[plt.Axes]] = None,
show_colorbar: bool = True,
Plots spike activity in time. If multiple layers are given, the layers will be
shown in subplots.
Expects a named tensor in three dimensions (L, X, Y) or four, with time (T, L, X, Y).
>>> distribution = torch.distributions.bernoulli.Bernoulli(torch.tensor([0.02]))
>>> data = distribution.sample(sample_shape=(3, 100, 10, 10)).squeeze()
>>> data.names = ('L', 'T', 'X', 'Y')
>>> plot_scatter_3d(data)
.. plot::
import torch
from norse.torch.utils.plot import plot_scatter_3d
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3))
distribution = torch.distributions.bernoulli.Bernoulli(torch.tensor([0.02]))
data = distribution.sample(sample_shape=(3, 100, 10, 10)).squeeze()
data.names=('L', 'T', 'X', 'Y')
spikes (torch.NamedTensor): A tensor named with four dimensions: T (time), L (layer), X, Y.
Expected to be in the range :math:`[0, 1]`.
axes (List[plt.Axes]): A list of Axes that should have the same length as the L dimension in
the spike tensor. Defaults to None, which will generate a grid for you.
show_colorbar (bool): Show a colorbar (True) or not (False).
kwargs: Specific key-value arguments to style the figure
fed to the :meth:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` function.
A list of :matplotlib:class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
if len(spikes.shape) > 3:
spikes = _detach_tensor(spikes).align_to(*"TLXY")
spikes = _detach_tensor(spikes).align_to(*"LXY").unsqueeze(0)
T = spikes.shape[0]
L = spikes.shape[1]
axes = [None] * L if axes is None else axes
for l, axis in enumerate(axes):
if axis is not None:
ax = axis
ax = plt.gcf().add_subplot(1, L, l + 1, projection="3d")
axes[l] = ax
unnamed = spikes[:, l]
unnamed.names = None # Unnamed tensor required for to_sparse
s = unnamed.to_sparse().coalesce()
ax.set_xlim([0, T])
pos = ax.scatter(
s.indices()[0], s.indices()[2], s.indices()[1], c=s.values(), **kwargs
if show_colorbar:
plt.gcf().colorbar(pos, ax=axes, fraction=0.04 / len(axes))
return axes
def plot_spikes_2d(spikes: torch.Tensor, axes: plt.Axes = None, **kwargs):
Plots a 2D diagram of spikes. Works similar to the :meth:`plot_heatmap_2d` but
in black and white.
>>> import torch
>>> from norse.torch import LIF
>>> from norse.torch.utils.plot import plot_spikes_2d
>>> spikes, _ = LIF()(torch.randn(200, 10))
>>> plot_spikes_2d(spikes)
>>> plt.show()
.. plot::
import torch
from norse.torch import LIF
from norse.torch.utils.plot import plot_spikes_2d
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
spikes, _ = LIF()(torch.randn(200, 10))
spikes (torch.Tensor): A tensor of spikes from a single layer in two dimensions.
axes (matplotlib.axes.Axes): The matplotlib axis to plot on, if any.
Defaults to :meth:`matplotlib.pyplot.gca`
kwargs: Specific key-value arguments to style the figure
fed to the :matplotlib:meth:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` function.
An :matplotlib:class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` object
kwargs["cmap"] = kwargs.get("cmap", "binary")
if axes is None:
axes = plt.gca()
ytick_step = max(1, spikes.shape[-1] // 10)
axes.set_yticks(range(0, spikes.shape[-1], ytick_step))
return plot_heatmap_2d(spikes, axes=axes, **kwargs)
def plot_izhikevich(
behavior: IzhikevichSpikingBehavior,
current: float = 1,
time_print: int = 250,
time_current: int = 20,
timestep_print: float = 0.1,
Computes and plots a 2D visualisation of the behavior of an Izhikevich neuron model.
By default, the time window is 250ms with a time step of 0.1ms
Example :
>>> import torch
>>> from norse.torch.functional import tonic_spiking
>>> from norse.torch.utils.plot import plot_izhikevich
>>> plot_izhikevich(tonic_spiking)
.. plot::
import torch
from norse.torch.functional import tonic_spiking
from norse.torch.utils.plot import plot_izhikevich
Arguments :
behavior (IzhikevichSpikingBehavior) : behavior of an Izhikevich neuron
current (float) : strengh of the input current, defaults to 1
time_print (float) : size of the time window for simulation (in ms)
time_current (float) : time at which the input current goes from 0 to current (in ms)
timestep_print (float) : timestep of the simulation (in ms)
p, s = behavior
T1 = time_current
vs = []
us = []
cs = []
time = []
for t in np.arange(0, time_print, timestep_print):
time.append(t * timestep_print)
if t > T1:
input_current = current * torch.ones(1)
input_current = torch.zeros(1)
_, s = izhikevich_feed_forward_step(input_current, s, p)
cs = torch.stack(cs)
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax1.set_ylabel("Membrane potential (mV)")
ax1.set_xlabel("Time (ms)")
ax1.plot(time, vs)
ax1.plot(time, cs)