.. _page-experiments: Running Experiments ------------------- Norse arrives with a number of built-in examples. These tasks serves to 1) illustrate what types of tasks *can* be done with Norse and 2) how to use Norse for specific experiments. Please note that some tasks require additional dependencies, like OpenAI gym for the cartpole task, which is not included in vanilla Norse. Parameters ========== The tasks below uses a large number of configurable parameters to control the model/network size, `epochs and batch size `_, task load, `pytorch device `_, `learning rate `_, and many more parameters. Another very important parameter determines which backpropagation model to use. This is particularly important for spiking neural network models and is described in more detail on the page about :ref:`page-spike-learning`. All programs below are built with `Abseil Python `_ which gives you extensive command line interface (CLI) help descriptions, where you can look up further descriptions - and find even more - of the parameters above. You can access these by using the ``--help`` flag on any tasks below, for instance ``python -m norse.task.mnist --help``. Cartpole ======== This tasks is a balancing exercise where a controller learns to counter the gravitational force on an upright cartpole. You will need to install `OpenAI Gym `_, to provide the simulation environments for the robot. If you are using pip, this is as easy as typing ``pip install gym``. The cartpole task can be run like so: .. code:: bash python3 -m norse.task.cartpole Cifar10 ======= Cifar10 is a labeled database of 60'000 32x32 images in 10 classes. The task is to learn to classify each image. The cifar task can be run without any additional dependencies like so: .. code:: bash python3 -m norse.task.cifar10 Correlation experiment ====================== The correlation experiment serves to demonstrate how neurons can learn patterns with a certain probability. It can be run without any additional dependencies like so: .. code:: bash python3 -m norse.task.correlation_experiment Memory task =========== The memory task demonstrates how a recurrent spiking neural network can store a pattern and later recall it, similar to the STORE/RECALL experiment in the paper on `Biologically inspired alternatives to backpropagation through time for learning in recurrent neural nets `_ by Guillaume Bellec, Franz Scherr, Elias Hajek, Darjan Salaj, Robert Legenstein, and Wolfgang Maass. The task can be run without any additional dependencies like so: .. code:: bash python3 -m norse.task.memory MNIST ===== MNIST is a `database of 70'000 handwritten digits `_ where the task is to learn to classify each image as one of the 10 digits. The task can be run without any additional dependencies like so: .. code:: bash python3 -m norse.task.mnist Speech Command recognition task =============================== The `speech commands dataset `_ as described in linked article serves as an example of a temporal classification task. The corresponding example task can be run like so: .. code:: bash python -m norse.task.speech_commands.run