A popular neuron model that combines a :mod:`norse.torch.functional.leaky_integrator` with
spike thresholds to produce events (spikes).
The model describes the change in a neuron membrane voltage (:math:`v`)
and inflow current (:math:`i`).
See the :mod:`.leaky_integrator` module for more information.
.. math::
\dot{v} &= 1/\tau_{\text{mem}} (v_{\text{leak}} - v + i) \\
\dot{i} &= 1/\tau_{\text{syn}} i
The F in LIF stands for the thresholded "firing" events that occur if the
neuron voltage increases over a certain point or *threshold* (:math:`v_{\text{th}}`).
.. math::
z = \Theta(v - v_{\text{th}})
In regular artificial neural networks, this is referred to as the *activation
function*. The behaviour can be controlled by setting the :code:`method` field in
the neuron parameters, but will default to the :mod:`.superspike` synthetic
gradient approach that uses the :mod:`.heaviside` step function:
.. math::
H[n]=\begin{cases} 0, & n <= 0 \\ 1, & n \gt 0 \end{cases}
More information can be found on
`Wikipedia <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biological_neuron_model#Leaky_integrate-and-fire>`_
or in the book `*Neuron Dynamics* by W. Gerstner et al.,
freely available online <https://neuronaldynamics.epfl.ch/online/Ch5.html>`_.
from typing import NamedTuple, Tuple
import torch
import torch.jit
from norse.torch.functional.threshold import threshold
import norse.torch.utils.pytree as pytree
class LIFParameters(
pytree.StateTuple, metaclass=pytree.MultipleInheritanceNamedTupleMeta
"""Parametrization of a LIF neuron
tau_syn_inv (torch.Tensor): inverse synaptic time
constant (:math:`1/\\tau_\\text{syn}`) in 1/ms
tau_mem_inv (torch.Tensor): inverse membrane time
constant (:math:`1/\\tau_\\text{mem}`) in 1/ms
v_leak (torch.Tensor): leak potential in mV
v_th (torch.Tensor): threshold potential in mV
v_reset (torch.Tensor): reset potential in mV
method (str): method to determine the spike threshold
(relevant for surrogate gradients)
alpha (float): hyper parameter to use in surrogate gradient computation
tau_syn_inv: torch.Tensor = torch.as_tensor(1.0 / 5e-3)
tau_mem_inv: torch.Tensor = torch.as_tensor(1.0 / 1e-2)
v_leak: torch.Tensor = torch.as_tensor(0.0)
v_th: torch.Tensor = torch.as_tensor(1.0)
v_reset: torch.Tensor = torch.as_tensor(0.0)
method: str = "super"
alpha: float = torch.as_tensor(100.0)
# pytype: disable=bad-unpacking,wrong-keyword-args
default_bio_parameters = LIFParameters(
tau_syn_inv=torch.as_tensor(1 / 0.5),
tau_mem_inv=torch.as_tensor(1 / 20.0),
# pytype: enable=bad-unpacking,wrong-keyword-args
class LIFState(NamedTuple):
"""State of a LIF neuron
z (torch.Tensor): recurrent spikes
v (torch.Tensor): membrane potential
i (torch.Tensor): synaptic input current
z: torch.Tensor
v: torch.Tensor
i: torch.Tensor
default_bio_initial_state = LIFState(
z=torch.as_tensor(0.0), v=torch.as_tensor(-65.0), i=torch.as_tensor(0.0)
class LIFFeedForwardState(NamedTuple):
"""State of a feed forward LIF neuron
v (torch.Tensor): membrane potential
i (torch.Tensor): synaptic input current
v: torch.Tensor
i: torch.Tensor
def lif_step_sparse(
input_spikes: torch.Tensor,
state: LIFState,
input_weights: torch.Tensor,
recurrent_weights: torch.Tensor,
p: LIFParameters,
dt: float = 0.001,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, LIFState]:
r"""Computes a single euler-integration step of a LIF neuron-model. More
specifically it implements one integration step of the following ODE
.. math::
\dot{v} &= 1/\tau_{\text{mem}} (v_{\text{leak}} - v + i) \\
\dot{i} &= -1/\tau_{\text{syn}} i
together with the jump condition
.. math::
z = \Theta(v - v_{\text{th}})
and transition equations
.. math::
v &= (1-z) v + z v_{\text{reset}} \\
i &= i + w_{\text{input}} z_{\text{in}} \\
i &= i + w_{\text{rec}} z_{\text{rec}}
where :math:`z_{\text{rec}}` and :math:`z_{\text{in}}` are the recurrent
and input spikes respectively.
input_spikes (torch.SparseTensor): the input spikes at the current time step
s (LIFState): current state of the LIF neuron
input_weights (torch.Tensor): synaptic weights for incoming spikes
recurrent_weights (torch.Tensor): synaptic weights for recurrent spikes
p (LIFParameters): parameters of a leaky integrate and fire neuron
dt (float): Integration timestep to use
# compute current jumps
i_jump = (
+ torch.sparse.mm(input_spikes, input_weights.t())
+ torch.sparse.mm(state.z, recurrent_weights.t())
# compute voltage updates
dv = dt * p.tau_mem_inv * ((p.v_leak - state.v) + i_jump)
v_decayed = state.v + dv
# compute current updates
di = -dt * p.tau_syn_inv * i_jump
i_decayed = i_jump + di
# compute new spikes
z_new = threshold(v_decayed - p.v_th, p.method, p.alpha)
# compute reset
v_new = (1 - z_new) * v_decayed + z_new * p.v_reset
z_sparse = z_new.to_sparse()
return z_sparse, LIFState(z_sparse, v_new, i_decayed)
def lif_step(
input_spikes: torch.Tensor,
state: LIFState,
input_weights: torch.Tensor,
recurrent_weights: torch.Tensor,
p: LIFParameters,
dt: float = 0.001,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, LIFState]:
r"""Computes a single euler-integration step of a LIF neuron-model. More
specifically it implements one integration step of the following ODE
.. math::
\dot{v} &= 1/\tau_{\text{mem}} (v_{\text{leak}} - v + i) \\
\dot{i} &= -1/\tau_{\text{syn}} i
together with the jump condition
.. math::
z = \Theta(v - v_{\text{th}})
and transition equations
.. math::
v &= (1-z) v + z v_{\text{reset}} \\
i &= i + w_{\text{input}} z_{\text{in}} \\
i &= i + w_{\text{rec}} z_{\text{rec}}
where :math:`z_{\text{rec}}` and :math:`z_{\text{in}}` are the recurrent
and input spikes respectively.
input_spikes (torch.Tensor): the input spikes at the current time step
s (LIFState): current state of the LIF neuron
input_weights (torch.Tensor): synaptic weights for incoming spikes
recurrent_weights (torch.Tensor): synaptic weights for recurrent spikes
p (LIFParameters): parameters of a leaky integrate and fire neuron
dt (float): Integration timestep to use
# compute current jumps
i_jump = (
+ torch.nn.functional.linear(input_spikes, input_weights)
+ torch.nn.functional.linear(state.z, recurrent_weights)
# compute voltage updates
dv = dt * p.tau_mem_inv * ((p.v_leak - state.v) + i_jump)
v_decayed = state.v + dv
# compute current updates
di = -dt * p.tau_syn_inv * i_jump
i_decayed = i_jump + di
# compute new spikes
z_new = threshold(v_decayed - p.v_th, p.method, p.alpha)
# compute reset
v_new = (1 - z_new.detach()) * v_decayed + z_new.detach() * p.v_reset
return z_new, LIFState(z_new, v_new, i_decayed)
def lif_step_integral(
input_tensor: torch.Tensor,
state: LIFState,
input_weights: torch.Tensor,
recurrent_weights: torch.Tensor,
p: LIFParameters = LIFParameters(),
dt: float = 0.001,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, LIFState]:
r"""Computes multiple euler-integration steps of a LIF neuron-model. More
specifically it integrates the following ODE
.. math::
\dot{v} &= 1/\tau_{\text{mem}} (v_{\text{leak}} - v + i) \\
\dot{i} &= -1/\tau_{\text{syn}} i
together with the jump condition
.. math::
z = \Theta(v - v_{\text{th}})
and transition equations
.. math::
v &= (1-z) v + z v_{\text{reset}} \\
i &= i + w_{\text{input}} z_{\text{in}} \\
i &= i + w_{\text{rec}} z_{\text{rec}}
where :math:`z_{\text{rec}}` and :math:`z_{\text{in}}` are the recurrent
and input spikes respectively.
input_tensor (torch.Tensor): the input spikes, assuming the outer (first) dimension is time
s (LIFState): current state of the LIF neuron
input_weights (torch.Tensor): synaptic weights for incoming spikes
recurrent_weights (torch.Tensor): synaptic weights for recurrent spikes
p (LIFParameters): parameters of a leaky integrate and fire neuron
dt (float): Integration timestep to use
A tuple of (spike output from all timesteps, neuron state from the final timestep)
out = []
for t in input_tensor:
z, state = lif_step(t, state, input_weights, recurrent_weights, p, dt=dt)
return z, state
def lif_feed_forward_step(
input_spikes: torch.Tensor,
state: LIFFeedForwardState,
p: LIFParameters,
dt: float = 0.001,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, LIFFeedForwardState]:
r"""Computes a single euler-integration step for a lif neuron-model.
It takes as input the input current as generated by an arbitrary torch
module or function. More specifically it implements one integration
step of the following ODE
.. math::
\dot{v} &= 1/\tau_{\text{mem}} (v_{\text{leak}} - v + i) \\
\dot{i} &= -1/\tau_{\text{syn}} i
together with the jump condition
.. math::
z = \Theta(v - v_{\text{th}})
and transition equations
.. math::
v &= (1-z) v + z v_{\text{reset}} \\
i &= i + i_{\text{in}}
where :math:`i_{\text{in}}` is meant to be the result of applying an
arbitrary pytorch module (such as a convolution) to input spikes.
input_tensor (torch.Tensor): the input spikes at the current time step
state (LIFFeedForwardState): current state of the LIF neuron
p (LIFParameters): parameters of a leaky integrate and fire neuron
dt (float): Integration timestep to use
# compute current jumps
i_new = state.i + input_spikes
# compute voltage updates
dv = dt * p.tau_mem_inv * ((p.v_leak - state.v) + i_new)
v_decayed = state.v + dv
# compute current updates
di = -dt * p.tau_syn_inv * i_new
i_decayed = i_new + di
# compute new spikes
z_new = threshold(v_decayed - p.v_th, p.method, p.alpha)
# compute reset
v_new = (1 - z_new) * v_decayed + z_new * p.v_reset
return z_new, LIFFeedForwardState(v=v_new, i=i_decayed)
def lif_feed_forward_integral(
input_tensor: torch.Tensor,
state: LIFFeedForwardState,
p: LIFParameters,
dt: float = 0.001,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, LIFFeedForwardState]:
r"""Computes multiple euler-integration steps of a LIF neuron-model. More
specifically it integrates the following ODE
.. math::
\dot{v} &= 1/\tau_{\text{mem}} (v_{\text{leak}} - v + i) \\
\dot{i} &= -1/\tau_{\text{syn}} i
together with the jump condition
.. math::
z = \Theta(v - v_{\text{th}})
and transition equations
.. math::
v &= (1-z) v + z v_{\text{reset}} \\
i &= i + i_{\text{in}}
input_tensor (torch.Tensor): the input spikes with the outer dimension assumed to be timesteps
s (LIFState): current state of the LIF neuron
p (LIFParameters): parameters of a leaky integrate and fire neuron
dt (float): Integration timestep to use
outputs = []
for input_spikes in input_tensor:
# compute current jumps
i_new = state.i + input_spikes
# compute voltage updates
dv = dt * p.tau_mem_inv * ((p.v_leak - state.v) + i_new)
v_decayed = state.v + dv
# compute current updates
di = -dt * p.tau_syn_inv * i_new
i_decayed = i_new + di
# compute new spikes
z_new = threshold(v_decayed - p.v_th, p.method, p.alpha)
# compute reset
v_new = (1 - z_new) * v_decayed + z_new * p.v_reset
state = LIFFeedForwardState(v=v_new, i=i_decayed)
return torch.stack(outputs), state
def lif_feed_forward_step_sparse(
input_tensor: torch.Tensor,
state: LIFFeedForwardState,
p: LIFParameters,
dt: float = 0.001,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, LIFFeedForwardState]: # pragma: no cover
# compute current jumps
i_jump = state.i + input_tensor
# compute voltage updates
dv = dt * p.tau_mem_inv * ((p.v_leak - state.v) + i_jump)
v_decayed = state.v + dv
# compute current updates
di = -dt * p.tau_syn_inv * i_jump
i_decayed = i_jump + di
# compute new spikes
z_new = threshold(v_decayed - p.v_th, p.method, p.alpha)
# compute reset
v_new = (1 - z_new) * v_decayed + z_new * p.v_reset
return z_new.to_sparse(), LIFFeedForwardState(v=v_new, i=i_decayed)
def lif_current_encoder(
input_current: torch.Tensor,
voltage: torch.Tensor,
p: LIFParameters,
dt: float = 0.001,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
r"""Computes a single euler-integration step of a leaky integrator. More
specifically it implements one integration step of the following ODE
.. math::
\dot{v} &= 1/\tau_{\text{mem}} (v_{\text{leak}} - v + i) \\
\dot{i} &= -1/\tau_{\text{syn}} i
input (torch.Tensor): the input current at the current time step
voltage (torch.Tensor): current state of the LIF neuron
p (LIFParameters): parameters of a leaky integrate and fire neuron
dt (float): Integration timestep to use
dv = dt * p.tau_mem_inv * ((p.v_leak - voltage) + input_current)
voltage = voltage + dv
z = threshold(voltage - p.v_th, p.method, p.alpha)
voltage = voltage - z * (voltage - p.v_reset)
return z, voltage